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Are Novelio fiberglass wall coverings safe and non-toxic ?

Yes, our fiberglass wall coverings are safe and non-toxic, due to the size of the fibers  used in the production of Novelio wall coverings (close to 10 microns (μm) in diameter).

Fiberglass is recognized by the World Health organization as non-carcinogenic, if above 3 microns (μm) in diameter.

What kind of glue should I use on the fiberglass wallcoverings?

We recommend ready-to-use glue formulated for fiberglass wall covering or a standard glue for wallcoverings – e.g. ADFORS glue, Metylan Ovalit. For best results, use ready-mixed glue, not the powdered ones. Although powdered glues is less expensive, it's more demanding to mix properly and provides less adhesion for Novelio wall coverings.

How should the wall coverings be applied on internal and external corners?

Novelio wall coverings have a specially designed coating that ensures trouble-free folding and bending around internal and extenal corners.

At least 20cm of material should extend past the corner on each side to ensure proper adhesion.

What method should I use to join the edges of the wall coverings?

All ADFORS Novelio fiberglass wall coverings feature precisely cut edges and are designed to be applied edge to edge.

Pay close attention to the edges of the roll, as any damage to them will make the seam more visible.

For non-woven textiles (vlies), you can perform a double-cut to make the joints invisible.

How should the wall coverings be installed in humid environments?

Humidity has no effect on the installation of the fiberglass wall coverings. You just need to ensure  that the proper glue is used for application in humid environments.

Please keep in mind that Novelio wall coverings should not come into direct contact with water (e.g. from a shower), unless this is something specifically designed within the system.

How much glue should be applied on the wall coverings?

The optimal amount of glue is around 250g per m2. A good test for checking if you have the right amount of glue is  is to see  if you can draw in the glue with your finger.

It's important to spread the glue evenly on the fiberglass wall covering and make sure the layer has a uniform thickness. Remember that it's always better to have too much glue than not enough.

What primer should I use to prepare the wall for fiberglass wall coverings?

Make sure to use the most suitable  primer for your particular wall type. You can use ADFORS ready-to-use glue mixed with clean, cold water at a ratio of 1:1. This glue has been specifically formulated to work with Novelio wall coverings and ensures a stong bond with your wall.

How should the wall coverings be prepared before applying them to the wall?

Novelio wall coverings require the wall to be clean and dry. The wall quality should be Q3 or better, and as flat as possible.

What tools are required for the application of Novelio fiberglass wall coverings?

Listed below are the tools required for easy installation of the Novelio fiberglass wall coverings:

  • Tape measure
  • Marker
  • Razor blade or scissors for cutting the wall coverings
  • Brush or roller to apply the glue
  • Spirit level
  • Plastic spatula or rubber roller to press the wall covering on the wall
  • Long steel spatula for trimming the edges (corners, ceiling, floor)
  • Painting supplies (if applying the paintable Novelio Classic wall covering)

How can I remove excess glue from the wall coverings?

Use a wet towel or sponge to remove the glue as soon as possible after application. This is key, as the glossiness of the wall covering's surface will be negatively affected if the glue is allowed to dry.

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